keyboard shortcuts
• CTRL+C (Copy)
• CTRL+X (Cut)
• CTRL+V (Paste)
• CTRL+Z (Undo)
• DELETE (Delete)
• SHIFT+DELETE (Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle)
• CTRL while dragging an item (Copy the selected item)
• CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item (Create a shortcut to the selected item)
• F2 key (Rename the selected item)
• CTRL+RIGHT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word)
• CTRL+LEFT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word)
• CTRL+DOWN ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph)
CTRL+UP ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph)
• CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Highlight a block of text)
• SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text in a document)
• CTRL+A (Select all)
• F3 key (Search for a file or a folder)
• ALT+ENTER (View the properties for the selected item)
• ALT+F4 (Close the active item, or quit the active program)
• ALT+SPACEBAR (Open the shortcut menu for the active window)
• CTRL+F4 (Close the active document in programs that enable you to have multiple documents open simultaneously)
• ALT+TAB (Switch between the open items)
• ALT+ESC (Cycle through items in the order that they had been opened)
• F6 Function key (Cycle through the screen elements in a window or on the desktop)
• F4 key (Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer)
• SHIFT+F10 (Display the shortcut menu for the selected item)
• CTRL+ESC (Display the Start menu)
• ALT+Underlined letter in a menu name (Display the corresponding menu)
• Underlined letter in a command name on an open menu (Perform the corresponding command)
• F10 key (Activate the menu bar in the active program)
• RIGHT ARROW (Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu)
• LEFT ARROW (Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu)
• F5 key (Update the active window)
• BACKSPACE (View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer)
• ESC (Cancel the current task)
• SHIFT when you insert a CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive (Prevent the CD-ROM from automatically playing)
• CTRL+SHIFT+ESC (Open Task Manager)
Dialog box keyboard shortcuts
If you press SHIFT+F8 in extended selection list boxes, you enable extended selection mode. In this mode, you can use an arrow key to move a cursor without changing the selection. You can press CTRL+SPACEBAR or SHIFT+SPACEBAR to adjust the selection. To cancel extended selection mode, press SHIFT+F8 again. Extended selection mode cancels itself when you move the focus to another control.
• CTRL+TAB (Move forward through the tabs)
• CTRL+SHIFT+TAB (Move backward through the tabs)
• TAB (Move forward through the options)
• SHIFT+TAB (Move backward through the options)
• ALT+Underlined letter (Perform the corresponding command or select the corresponding option)
• ENTER (Perform the command for the active option or button)
• SPACEBAR (Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box)
• Arrow keys (Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons)
• F1 key (Display Help)
• F4 key (Display the items in the active list)
• BACKSPACE (Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box)
In simple language, word processing is nothing but processing of words, i.e. constructing sentences.In our day to day life we write different letters,prepare project reports, minutes of board meeting.These are some examples of word processing, Word processing is done in each and every office, the style may be different but the purpose is one communication.
File Menu Commands
New : Opens a new document . When you choose New,you can create a new document.CTRL+N
Open: Opens an existing document.You can open documents created with write,documents saved as text files.CTRL+0
Close: You can close a document without quitting Word.If you changed the document since you last saved it,Word asks if you want to save the document.CTRL + W
Save: Saves changes to the document you have been working on. When you choose Save,the document remains open so you can continue working on it. CTRL + S
Save As: Display the save As dialog box. Where you specify the name of the active document. F12
Save All : Saves all open document, macros, and text entries. Word asks you to confirm that you want to save each open document before saving it.
Print: Print the document you have been working on .You can specify how many copies to print which pages to print, and the printing quality.CTRL+ P
Page Set-up: Changes margins, paper source, paper size. and page orientation for the entire document'' .select the tab for the option you want.
Print Preview: Print preview show entire pages at a reduced size so that you can view one or more pages at a time.CTRL+F2
Exit: Closes the document you have been working on and ends the word session. You can save the document before quitting, ALT+ P4.
Undo: Reverses changes you make in a document, such as editing, formating,checking spelling and inserting breaks footnotes and tables.
Repeat : Repeat the last change you made in a document ,such as editing, formatting , checking spelling and inserting breaks footnotes and tables. The name of the commands depends on the most recent action taken for examples. Repeat Typing or Repeat Bold.
Cut : Deletes the selected text or graphics .
Copy : Copies the selected text or graphics on the other location.
Paste : This command is used When any text or graphics is copied,you can paste the selected text.
Paste Special : Specifies the format the information will be in When it is inserted in to your file.
Clear : Deletes selected text or graphics. You cannot reinsert text or graphic deleted by using the clear commands,
Select All : Select the entire document.
Find : Searches for specified text , formatting .footnotes endnotes . or annotation marks in the active document.
Replace ; Opens the Replace dialog box. retaining any information typed in the Find What box, In the Replace with box. type the replacement text, and then specify any formatting you want to apply.
Go To : Moves the insertion point to a specified location in the document . For examples , you can move to a page number an annotation a footnotes or a bookmark.
Auto Text : Creates an Auto Text entry from selected text or graphic you frequently use.
Book Mark : Creates bookmark which are used to mark selected text, graphics, tables or other items so that you can move to those selected points quickly.
Word provides six ways to view documents on the screen.Each view allows you to concentrate on different aspects of your work.
Normal : Normal view is the default document view.Normal view shows text formatting but simplifies the lay out of the page so that you can type and edit quickly.Out line ; Creates or modifies an outline so that you can examine and work with the structure of a document .
Pagelayout : Switches a document to page layout view, A bullet next to the page layout commands on the view menu indicates that word is in page layout view.
Master Document : Displays a master document as an outline master document helps you organize and maintain a long document, such as book or a report, that is divided in to several separate document called subdocument.
Full Screen : Hides all screen elements, such as toolbars, menu, scroll bars, title bar, the ruler, the style area. and the status bar.
Header And Footer: Adds or changes text that word repeats at the top of every page(header) or the bottom of every page(fOOter) in a section or in an entire document.
Footnotes : Opens a note pane or moves the insertion point to the area of the document where you view and edit footnotes and endnotes. If the document has footnotes and endnotes, you can choose to view the footnotes area or the endnote area.
Annotation : Displays in the annotation pane the annotation that have been inserted in to document use this command to view or edit annotation.
Zoom : Controls how large or small a document appears on the screen. You can enlarge the display to make it easier it erase or reduce the display to view an entire page.
Break : Insert a page break . or section break at the insertion point.
Page Number : Inserts , formats , and position page number within a header or footer,
Annotation : Inserts an annotation mark . Which contained the reviewers initials and reference number, in to the document and opens the annotation pane in which you type the annotation The annotation mark appears in the document in hidden text format,
Date And Time : Insert the date or time in the format you specify. Select the time or date format you want.
Symbol : Inserts symbol that your printer can print even though they are not found on a standard keyboard - for example, the copy right @. or any symbol.
Footnote : Insert caption for tables illustration equations and other items.
Caption :- Insert caption for tables, illustration,equation, and other items.
Cross Reference : Insert a cross reference to an item in a document.
Frame : Creates a frame in the size and location you want. You can use frames to position any items exceptf ootnotes,
Endnotes and Annotations. You can also use a frame to give an item a specific position make textflow around an item. or collect several items in to a group so that they always stay together .
Picture : Insert a graphic created in another application , You can also link a graphic to its source file so that Word will update the picture whenever you update the source file.
Object : Insert and embeds an object, such as chart or an equation in a document. The application in Which the object was created becomes active on the screen.
Font : Applies or removes character formats from selected text or from the insertion point fbrward as you type, Changes font, style .font size, type of underline .colour, and font effects (such as superscript and hidden text)
Paragraph : Controls the appearance of paragraphs in the following ways:Aligns and indents paragraphs Controls spacing between lines and paragraphs Prevents page break Controls page breaks, automatic hyphenation, and line numbers.
Tabs : Controls the position and alignment of tab stopsand determines the type of leader character.
Borders And Shading : Adds border and shading to selected paragraphs, table cells, and frames.
Columns : Changes the number of columns in a section.If the document has only one section,word formats the entire document in the number of columns yon specify,Aalf you select text that you want to format in columns. Word inserts a section in to columns.
Change case : Changes selected characters to all uppercase letters, all lowercase letters, or a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.
Drop cap : Formats a letter, word, or selected text as a large initial or dropped, capital letter. A IDrop Capl, Which is traditionally the first letter in a paragraph, can appear either in the left margin or dropped from the baseline of the first line in the paragraph.
Bullets And Numbering : Creates a bulleted or numbered list from a selected series of items in text or a series of cells in a table. To add or remove bullets or numbers quickly, click the Bullets button or the Numbering button on the Formatting toolbar.
Heading Numbering : Creates a numbered list from a series of items that are formatted with the built in heading styles,such as Heading 1, Heading 2, and so on.
Autoformat: Analyses a word document to identify specific elements and then formats the text by applying styles from the attached template. When word automatically formats a document it makes one or more of the following changes depending on the options you selected on the Autoformat in the options dialog box.
Style : Review modify or creates styles to selected text. To change styles select the style you want in thes style box on formatting toolbar.
Drawing Object : modifies the lines, colour, fill patterns ..size.and position of drawing objects.
Spelling : Checks spelling in the active document,including text in headers , footers . footnotes ,endnotes, and annotation .
Grammar : Checks your documents for possible grammar and style error and display suggestion for correcting them.
Thesaurus : Replaces a word or phrase in the document with a same meaning , synonym , antonym, or related word,
Hyphenation : Reduces raggedness in the right margin by inserting hyphens in words where needed.You can hyphenate a document automatically or manually.
Language : - Designates the language of selected text within a body of text written in more than one language. When proofing the document. Word automatically switches to the dictionary for the language indicated for each word. If the text is marked as a language for which word does not have a dictionary Word uses the dictionary of a related language. For examples, if you need to check a French - Canadian word but do not have a French - Canadian dictionary. Word uses a French dictionary.
Word Count :- Counts the number of pages, words ,characters, paragraphs, and lines in a document.
Auto Correct ;- Customise the settings used to correct text automatically as you type.
Mail Merge :- Merges the main document with the data source to produce mailing labels, personalised from letters, catalogs, and other type of merged documents.
Envelopes And Lables :- Prints an envelope, a single mailing label or the same name and address on an entire sheet of mailing labels.
Macro:- A Macro is a sort of shortcut in which we cah store a number of frequently occurring actions and execute them by running that macro instead of redoing the same actions frequently. You can Record a Macro and run it as and When Needed,
Insert Table :- Insert a table with the number of rows and columns you specify. To create a table, click the Insert Table button and drag over the grid to select the number of rows and columns you want . You can have up to 32 columns in a table.
Delete Cells :- Deletes the selected cells or the cell that contains the insertion point. This command appears on the Table menu When the insertion point is in a single cell and When you've selected one or more end -of-celi marks,
Splits Cells;- Splits a cell horizontally in tomultiple cells. A single cell is split according to the number of paragraphs marks in the cell.
Merge Cell :- Combines the contents of adjacent cells in to a single cell. This command is available only when you select two or more cells in a row, You can only merge cells horizontally.
Select Column :- Select the entire column that contains the insertion point. To select a column, click the top gridlines or border of the column, When the insertion point changes to a down arrow, click the left mouse button.
Select Row:- Selects entire roe that contains the insertion point. To select a row, click in the row selection bar to the left of the row.
Table Auto Format:- Automatically applies format. i ncluding predefined borders and shading to a table and also automatically resize a table, Select the type of border and shading you want.
Cell Height And Width:- Adjust the formatting of rows and columns in a table, You can also change the spacing and indentation of text within a cell or row in the same way that you format a text paragraph by using the horizontal ruler or paragraph command.
Headings :- If a table spans more than one page. You can automatically repeat the table headings on each page. Before choosing this command, select the rows or rows you want to use as a table heading, Make sure you include the top row of the table. If you make changes to text after identifying it as a tableheading.
Convert Text To Table;- Converts selected text to a table. Make sure you add separator characters before using this command.
Sort Text :- Arranges the information in selected rows. list, or series of paragraphs alphabetically, numerically, or by date. When the selection is not in a table, the name of the command changes to Sort Text. When sorting , Word treats any amount of text outside a table that is followed by a paragraph mark as a paragraph.
Formula:- Performs mathematically calculations on numbers and inserts the result of calculation as a field. In a table. Word inserts the field in the cell that contains the insertion point. Split Cell :- Splits a cell horizontally in to multiple cells. Asingle cell is split according to the paragraph marks in the cell.
Split Table:- Divides a table in two parts and inserts a paragraph mark above the row that contain the insertion point. If the original table starts at the beginning of a document and insertion point is the first row. Word inserts the paragraph*mark above the table. To insert a paragraph above a table,you can also position the insertion point at the beginning of the first cell and press ENTER.
Gridlines :- Display or hides the'.dotted lines that appear on the screen between cells in a table. Gridlines cannot be printed. To print lines between cells add borders add shading to a table.
New Window;- Display different parts of a document or shows the same document in different view y opening a new window with the same contents as the active window.
Arrange All:- Display all open documents in windows that do not overlap on the word screen. Use this view to see windows that may be hidden or to organize the windows on the screen,
Split: Split a window in to two panes.The mouse pointer changes to indicates a split, You can adjust the split by using the arrow keys and then pressing ENTER.
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